The Gifted Realm Series
by Jillian Neal
Book One: Within the Realm
Book Two: Lessons Learned
Book Three: Every Action
Category: New Adult
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal
Publisher: Realm Press
Edition: Ebook
Source: I received ebook copies of the books in exchange for an honest review.

Rainer Lawson is set to join the ranks of Elite Officers in the Gifted Police force. With his fellow officers, they will work together, using their abilities, to try and end the most sinister criminal organization in existence. His parents fought and died to re-establish the Realm, and he won’t allow them to have sacrificed in vain.
The will to protect those he loves has always driven Rainer, but his desperation to protect Emily, the love of his life, consumes him. While passions ignite and vengeance is sought, Rainer may discover that all of his money, fame, and power, could cost him the only thing that has ever truly mattered.
Goodreads Synopsis: One breathtakingly hot, passion-filled, night ignites a fire in his soul. Everything in his world should be nothing short of perfection…but he is Rainer Lawson.
His wild evening with Emily is the Realm’s front-page story. Could he have lost the respect of the man that has been like a father to him? Could his family’s hard-earned fortune really dissolve before his very eyes?
Evil rapidly cinches its chokehold, and everything his father fought and died for threatens to implode. Rainer attempts to protect those that he loves and satisfy the fiery passions between he and Emily, but everything in his world is spinning wildly out of control. His desire to prove himself could very well be his undoing.
Sometimes the best of intentions are not enough, but perhaps it is the trials by fire that make the man. Steel sharpens steel, and passion burns white hot in “Lessons Learned.”
Goodreads Synopsis:
“Mr. Lawson…” the man drawled. His French accent did nothing to cover his sinister tone. “Saw the little show your fiancée put on for you last night at the Tower. She's quite a handful isn't she?”
“I don't know who the hell you think you are, but if you get anywhere near her, I'll kill you.”
“Well then, Mr. Lawson, you better hope you find her before I do.”
If Emily’s father doesn’t win the vicious race for Crown Governor, the Realm falls to the savage clutches of Wretchkinsides. Evil chokes ice cold, but the hot, kindled burn between Rainer and Emily keeps them ablaze.
A whirlwind trip culminates from DC, to Paris, Boston, to Seattle. The race is on and the stakes are far too high. Ultimately the entire Gifted world awaits their fate.
Everything that tries to rip them apart, everything that keeps them tightly bound, and everything involved in the ultimate betrayal, teaches Rainer that not Every Action is an option.
Review: What do you know? Another paranormal, and a series at that. While I really did enjoy this series very much, I think that after reading an awesome one like this, I'll give paranormal a break for a bit, and end on this good note. I have definitely been shown that it is something that I can enjoy, but I don't want to beat myself down with it. So, thanks to Jillian Neal I will be ending my paranormal binge on a very good note.
From the very beginning I was drawn into the story of these characters. It was fun to see such a large, loving family in the midst of a paranormal story. That is not something I have seen much in the books I have read lately. The Haydenshires are a wonderful family with many, many children, though. Mr. Haydenshire is involved in politics, and throughout the series is trying to rise through the ranks, something that does make things for the family a little more complicated. When you had a ton of teenagers and young adults around, it does make it difficult to keep your name completely clean in the media. I loved how close they all were, and that the relationship between Rainer and Emily built from Rainer being taken in by their family once his own parents were killed.
Another thing I really enjoyed in this series was the world building. I liked how the gifted realm was right along side all of the other humans, and most of them were not aware of it. They even have their own university clothes to a regular one, but no the ungifted are not accepted into the university. I love how Neal blends it all together, and it seemed incredibly realistic to me.
The thing I believe I enjoyed the most about this series was that the series was not ALL about the paranormal aspect and gifted abilities. Sure, they were there, but it was not the only focus. I have read some paranormal where it seems like that is all that is being written about, and I do not like that at all. This book focuses much more on the relationships (romantic and family) and the other complications and lessons that can happen to anyone in life. That made the series and characters much more relate able for me, which was something that I enjoyed very much. I would certainly suggest this series to other paranormal fans.
Rating: 4.0 / 5.0
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