Friday, December 26, 2014

2015 Reading Challenges

As the year comes to an end, I am sure I am not the only one who has been thinking and considering which reading challenges to take part in for 2015. This year I started the blog in February, so that means I did come in late to all of the reading challenges. Because of this, it was not something that I spent a lot of time thinking or worrying about, and I certainly was not successful. Therefore, since I will get to start right away with the new year this time, I have been spending a lot of time deciding on which challenges I would be the most interested in; some are ones that I have found through other blogs, and some might be ones I just want to challenge myself to. Whatever the situation, I am going to share with you today the reading challenges I intend to take part in during 2015.

1. Goodreads Reading Challenge - Goal: 100 Books

I am sure that this is one that the majority of us will take part in. I like to push myself by using this challenge, but it's also handy to have a nice little list that keeps track of just what you have read during that current year. Like I talked about in my post here, I was successful with my first goal this year, but then after I made it higher it just didn't go as well for me. Because of this, I think that I am going to go back to setting my goal at 100 books for 2015, and then leave it there even once I surpass it. That way I have met my goal, and can just focus on how many more I can read from that point (trying to put a positive spin on things, since I'm not happy about the fact that I will be unsuccessful this year :/).

2. Finish that Series Challenge by Beth @ bethjune327 
Goal: Gold Badge (7-11 Series)

I have been a fan of Beth's booktube channel for awhile now. Since I started watching videos and found her channel, I pretty much watch everything she posts. (not pretty much, I do. I am loving the whole Vlogmas thing since it means she posts a daily video...I'm not a stalker, I swear). She did a video (watch it here) announcing the Finish that Series Challenge for 2015. It's pretty self-explanatory, and it's something that I really need to focus on. And if it's not a series I need to finish, then it's one I certainly need to start. I will share a list in my pages above soon, so keep an eye out for a "2015 Challenges" page to be added by the end of the week.

3. The Debut Author Challenge @ That Artsy Reader Girl
Goal : 12 Books

I always think that a Debut Author challenge is a great thing to try to complete for a year. I found this year during my start of blogging that it was wonderful to read books by so many authors I had not before, or perhaps did not even know of before. I am sure that there are a lot of challenges out there like this one, but this is the one that I came across and liked the organization of, so I am going to go for it.

4. 2015 Monthly Key Word Challenge @ Bookmark to Blog
Goal: 12 Books

I saw this challenge around last year, but once again as I was late to the game I decided that I would just hold off until the following year. Since it's one book a month and there are six different key words to choose from for each month, I think that I should find this one to be pretty easy. It seems like it will be a lot of fun too, so that definitely makes me look forward to it even more.

5. 2015 TBR Pile Reading Challenge @ Bookish
Goal: Sweet Summer Fling (31-40 books)

This is another one that I attempted this year, but did not focus on it nearly as much as I should have. I currently have 251 books on my shelves (physical books only) and quite a few of them still need to be read. This is the year that I really plan on buying less and reading more, and hopefully I can stick to that.

6. A-Z Challenge @ Beneath the Jacket Reviews (Me :) 
Goal: 26 Books

This is one that I have just decided to do on my own, for fun, and to help get through that TBR Pile even more. I'm not going to do a link up or have any sort of rules, I'm just going to create a list of books, their titles A-Z, and attempt to read all 26 of those books throughout the year. Want to join in? Awesome, just comment telling me that you plan to so that we can motivate one another! Once again, the list of books I intend to read will show up on my "2015 Challenges" page.

There you have it, the challenges I intend to take part in during 2015. Six might seem like a lot, but a lot of them will go together and share the same books. I am really excited about participating and sticking to them. Let me know if you're doing any of the same ones!


  1. All those challenges sound awesome! I'm also doing the TBR challenge, I'll think I'm gonna do 50 books for that challenge. Good luck on all your challenges:)

  2. Tiffany! I am so down to the A-Z challenge with you!!! It sounds like a lot of fun.

    1. That would be so awesome! We could have a ton of fun with it! :]


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