
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Review - A - Thon

So, I don't know about anyone else, but lately I have been REALLY bad about writing reviews. I have tons and tons that I need to write, and I sit down to write them, but then I always find a way to procrastinate and distract myself (thus there being very few reviews on the blog the past few weeks). I have decided that this really needs to change.

I have decided to use the rest of October as sort of a Review-A-Thon, and try to get as many reviews written and posted as I can between now and October 31st. Even if I don't post them by then, as long as I can just get as many as possible written! That is about thirteen days, and I hope to get at least ten reviews written in that time. 

So, why am I posting about this? I thought that some of you might be interested in joining along! We could keep each other focused, and motivate each other to get the reviews done. Sound like something you might need? Just leave a comment so we can talk about it and get to work writing!

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